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Friday, May 23, 2008

New Practice Space Pictures

Sorry about the lag between updates, I'm in the process of moving and have been too busy procrastinating and didn't want any explicit evidence of my lack of progress in packing.

I did, however, upload some pictures to my computer today and found some I took of our practice space, and thought I'd share. It's a relatively new space, so we're in the process of decorating it with things we find around the attic. It's also usually not as bright - we like to practice by lamplight (we're more attractive that way). The practice space may or may not also be haunted. FYI.

That doorway behind Justin leads to our old practice space.

We write our setlist on a beloved whiteboard, which Dylan is copying in this picture. The whiteboard also features some exclusive Cecelia Martinez artwork, particularly some of my early, revolutionary work with stars, flowers, and hearts.

Ignore Just in this picture. This picture is really all about Manny, our luminescent, sexually-ambiguous mascot. He literally brightens up my day. (Sorry).

Behind Mitch is the door to this cool little room that was a bathroom at one point. It also has a hatch window leading into this random opening on the north wall of the building, which you can kind of see in the left of the picture.

A better view of the "window" as well as our sadly empty bulletin board, and a mess of storage.

Speaking of pictures, area photographer Brandon Segal took some photographs at our last show at Savannah's. They are up on our myspace.

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