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Thursday, May 15, 2008

In Defense of a Bicycle

This will be tough because I could never possibly string together as many coherent statements as Cecelia. So I'm just gonna lay it out there. My bike is awesome. Plain and simple. It's just science, really. If you're in the know, you know that bike is badass in its most pure and unadulterated form. It is not a mere "child's bike," no! A young one could be seriously injured on this high performance machine.

A "trick bike," sure. My sect would refer to it as a "street" bike, yes. And as far as street bikes go, this beast is creme of the just can't beat Standard, and I built it myself from a hand picked selection of the finest quality step off, and respect! (It was creme of the crop five years ago anyway...I guess it's more of a legacy machine now...but it's still dope as hell!)

I didn't do anything impressive? I also haven't swung a foot over the saddle of a self propelled machine in about five years. Riding up Madison from Broadway on a single speed was trick enough. Not to mention, I did do the riding on the handlebars thing, which Ian could not do, once again affirming my position as the more manly part of the rhythm section.

Anyway, I do plan on getting a proper road bike. And I'll ride on the handlebars of that one too!

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